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Stop Starving
Hi Hunter, I trust that you are doing well and enjoying the Summer. I was blessed by your reading of the Bible this morning on my way to the Gym. Your explanation regarding a famine for the word of God is very revealing. It has further confirmed my assumption of Biblical illiteracy in our country and the need for Shepherds to feed the flock that is entrusted to them. Keep up the great work my friend, many are being blessed by your ministry of the word through the daily reading of the Bible. Blessings, Francis

Daily Walk in the Word
I've been listening to the Daily Radio Bible podcast for over 5 years and have found that my day feels incomplete if I don't get my time in the word with Hunter, Heather, and crew. The episodes are ~20 minutes long, contain a reading from both the Old and New Testaments, and are followed by a devotional that ties it all together. If you are looking for a way to hold yourself accountable to being in the word and perhaps "reading" the bible in a year, there is no better way than the DRB.

DRB adults and Kids
My favorite podcast! This podcast is a blessing, it brings me peace, fills up my cup and revives my spirit!

Refreshingly Glorious
Daily as I live, often as I breathe, (from the words of the songwriter) I key into this podcast to connect to the True God, Abba Father who unlocks His plan and purposes for my life and that of my loved ones on a daily basis. May you receive abundant grace as you continue to share God.s love and mercy unto the uttermost part of the earth. Like you usually say when you sign off daily, I say “Remember that you’re loved”

Thank you Jesus! 🙏🏾
I have enjoyed the podcast emincly. This is my first time reading the Bible in one year. Hunter is a great teacher and I am blessed to have found this podcast.

True blessing
What can I say about this podcast? The Bible is confusing and mysterious... full of Love if you know how to look. That’s what our brother Hunter does ( and Heather on Sundays). He reads the Bible to us making it more understandable and relatable. For many years, I had the goal to read the Bible all the way through. I would get halfway through February and stop. It was so overwhelming. This is my third year through! Thank you Hunter and Heather for making this your ministry. Every day spent in the Word of God is good! Just jump right in and join us! You are loved!

Makes my day Blessed
Every morning I have to listen to the podcast to give me the confidence to head out and count on the Lord's blessings throughout the day. I really appreciate the wonderful work that you are doing to to transmit God's word to the world. God Bless you and your work.

Such a help
This podcast has been a joy, comfort, and help to me. In the past few months when it seems like my whole world is falling apart, Hunter brings me the Bible reminding me that I am not alone in my faith, we serve a faithful and miraculous God, and that I am loved. Much thanks to the team and sponsors who make this possible and I highly recommend this to anyone wanting a closer walk with God.

True Blessing
A close friend recommended your podcast toward the end of last year. So, I began on January first and absolutely loved it! The scripture selections as well as Hunter's insight into their application for our daily lives is the reason I continue to listen. I try to recommend it any time I can. Hunter and Heather are true blessings in my life!!

Great way to go through the bible
I started listening 1 Aug 2017. What a change in my life! In these past 5 years I havent missed even one days reading. You could say that I am addicted to this podcast. What a joy to spend time in Gods word everyday. What a joy to get to know Hunter, Heather and Fin through the podcast. I highly recommend this daily reading of the bible.

This is a wonderful daily break from a busy world

Daily Anchor
DRB has become my daily anchor. Hearing the Word of God sustains me and encourages me. I especially appreciate being reminded regularly that I am loved.

Faith cometh by hearing God's Word!!
I began listening on January 1st, 2019. I have not missed a day of listening since! My husband was battling early-onset Alzheimer's at that time, but he listened with me each day until his passing in April of 2020. I have joy in knowing that he was saturated with the word of God during his last year on Earth. Hearing God's word read by Hunter each day, continues to give me hope and comfort.

Perfect start to the day
If you ever tried and failed to become someone who does a daily devotion, someone who reads the entire Bible, this is for you. Hunter has a wonderful and engaging style that brings you back day after day to let you work on the Bible and the Bible work on you.

Brings calmness to a crazy world
I love to listen to Hunter and Heather. I look forward to this DRB podcast each and every day and is soothing to my soul. I have never, in my 61 years completely read the Bible. I knew stories and verses, but didn't know the depth of the history. Thanks for giving this daily gift to me. Hope to visit the West Coast some day, we are from PA. Take care and God Bless!

Helps keep me in the word daily
I have been listening since January 1 2019. It has been a part of my routine and I miss it when I am not able to hear it. Thank you Hunter for your faithful commitment and being our bible reading coach.

A constant in an unpredictable world
After brain surgery, it was difficult to read so I searched for a podcast that could help me stay in the Word. DRB did just that. 5 yrs later, I continue to tune in every day. The reading of the Word is dynamic and the commentaries are thought provoking and encouraging. Starting & ending my days with this podcast has been a consistent way to keep myself grounded in God's Word everyday, no matter what is happening in the world around me.

Soul Refreshing
After listening to the podcast I feel I'm ready to face my day! I'm a cardiac nurse by profession and I always looking forward start my day with the word of God. Thank you for all you do.

Restored my faith
Pastor Hunter restored my faith in “religion” I’ve been a “homeless” Christian for a while. The church politics made it just so hard to fit into neat little boxes. DRB makes finding the love of Jesus so easy, with out strings & it doesn’t matter how messy we are. Thank you!

I have added to my daily faith journey listening to Hunter & Heather and the Daily Radio Bible podcast plus their Journey podcast. They have blessed me and can bless you, too.

A great way to experience God's Word daily!
My dad has been a listener for years and I was introduced to it through him. Hunter and his wife have a soothing and engaging way of helping you experience God's word and always have something uplifting to say. I hope the Lord blesses their ministry for many years to come.

Its awesome! GOD has truly used this as a lifeline. GLORY TO JESUSU CHRIST for everything HE has done to make this poddy happen!

DRB Nation
I’ve been a listener since the summer of 2016 and have loved it! I haven’t seen anything else like this. The reading of God’s word is so powerful and Hunter gives such care and attention to this endeavor. I just love hearing the joy in his voice. Thank you Hunter! May you and yours be blessed.

Bringing God‘s Word to life.
Hunter is a master reader of God‘s word. Through his careful and deliberate articulation of the Bible, you will feel as if you are actually present while its incredible events unfold before your ears. Allow yourself to be blessed by God in listening to this masterfully presented, encouraging delivery of the Bible.

Thank u pastor for the reading of the Bible, may God bless u always, I am so bless to listen to the word every day. God has giving me the opportunity to listen to his word.🙏🏼

Daily Walk in the Word
If you are looking for a way to have a daily walk in the Word, there is no better podcast than the Daily Radio Bible. For the past 7+ years, Pastor Barnes has been leading all of us who are stumbling towards God through a daily reading of both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Ayaka Hase said “The first 30 minutes of your day are the most important ones. How are you choose to spend them decides how you spend your day.” This podcast is a great way to spend those first 30 minutes and adds so much to your walk with the Lord.

God’s Word
I have been listening to the Daily Radio Bible for about four years. Every morning I here God’s Word, it grounds me and sets me up for the day ahead. Hunter’s sermonette at the end of each reading shines new meaning and understanding of the scripture. This has changed me and been a blessing when going through hard times this year.

Wisdom from Above
I urge you to make the Daily Radio Bible Podcast a top priority in your life. Reading, listening to, and meditating daily on the Word of God with Hunter and Heather Barnes will transform your life. Most of all, you will experience a profound encounter with Jesus Christ Himself, the One Who loves you with an everlasting love. ~ Dr. MaryAnn Diorio, Author & Life Coach

We are loved😍
The daily radio bible is my daily rain bow of God’s love And I’m also on the journey😍thank you so much Hunter Heather and Fin🙏🏼😍❗️love the pics🌼🌻❗️

Thank you!
Refreshing and soothing