Daily Lectionary with Hunter Barnes - Wednesday, March 6, 2024: Psalm 84; Ezra 6:1-16; Mark 11:15-19

Daily Lectionary with Hunter Barnes takes listeners through the daily Bible readings of the Revised Common Lectionary. Our lectionary readings follow a three year cycle through the Bible. Join Christians around the world in daily readings of the Bible as they point our hearts to the God who is love. Find out more at www.dailyradiobible.com

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We are reading through the New Living Translation.


In the Revised Common Lectionary Year B, Psalm 84, Ezra 6:1-16, and Mark 11:15-19 each carry a profound message about the significance of sacred spaces in our lives and our relationship with God. Psalm 84 exalts the beauty of dwelling in God's house, where even the sparrow finds a home and the swallow a nest for herself. This psalm reflects a deep longing for the presence of God, where one day in His courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. The rebuilding of the temple in Ezra 6 signifies the restoration of a physical space where God's people can come together to worship and celebrate His presence among them. It's a testament to God's faithfulness in restoring His people and their place of worship.

Mark 11:15-19, meanwhile, shows Jesus cleansing the temple, emphasizing the purity and holiness required in spaces dedicated to God. His actions remind us that sacred spaces are not just physical buildings but the condition of our hearts—places where God's presence should be revered and kept holy.

The common thread in these passages is the deep reverence and yearning for God's presence, whether it be in the physical temple, the beauty of creation, or within our own lives. They call us to reflect on how we honor God's presence, reminding us that our ultimate desire should be to dwell with Him, cherishing and upholding the sanctity of the spaces where we meet with the Divine.

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