Daily Radio Bible - March 19th, 22

Day 78: Unearthing the Treasure of Christ: Joshua 7-8 , Psalm 69 and  I Corinthians 5.

Unearthing the Treasure of Christ

Our readings today are Joshua 7-8 , Psalm 69 and  I Corinthians 5.  We are reading from the New Living Translation.

Achan had won a battle on the outside.  But on the inside he hadn’t won. He was hiding treasures that were not for him, that exposed treason in his heart.  And it wasn’t just Achan that suffered because of the problems in his heart.  In the end, his whole family would suffer the consequences, along with 36 Israelite soldiers that died in battle, because of the problem in Achan’s troubled heart.

We all struggle with things buried deep in our heart, just as Achan had treasure buried in his tent.  Do you have something in your heart that you have tried to bury, and refuse to trust God with?  Maybe it’s something in your past, something you covet, some form of security that you refuse to trust God with.

Well, there is someone better than Joshua, in your story.  Jesus wants to help you unearth the secrets in your life.  In exchange, He doesn’t offer punishment and death.  He offers promise and new life.  He does that by offering you Himself, His life in exchange for your life – and those buried secrets you hold on to.

All the Achans of the world can rejoice!  There’s someone better than Joshua, it’s Yeshua.  Jesus has come for all of us.  He has come for sinners and the treasonous.  He comes into our tent and begins to unearth those things deeply buried.  In exchange, He offers us Himself, so that we are free to live, 

Achan was taken out stoned, and burned in judgement.  But this One who has come into our life, this Yeshua, took the punishment that Achan deserved.  He absorbed all the fires of judgement and He died.  He absorbed it all so that we could be free of the secrets buried deep in our heart.  He did this because he loves all the Achan’s in this world - you and me - all the treasonous ones with things buried deep in our hearts that we have no answer for. 

Yeshua has come into our house - into our hearts - and he has come to set us free.  

Live in the light of this amazing love today.  Rejoice in all that God has done for you.

You are loved!