Daily Radio Bible with Hunter & Heather

If you're a mom, read this!

I have been listening to DRB every day for over a year now. I absolutely love this podcast! It is a vital part of my every day life. As a young mom of 8 kids, I was thrilled to find a way I could still read through the Bible without having to sit down and hold it. I can listen on my headphones every morning as I make the school lunches. Hunter Barnes is this down-to-earth, sincere, pastor who is reading everday with us - He's been doing this every day for 3 years now (which in itself is an encouragement and inspiration to me!). He manages to draw out the gospel message even through the hardest passages like Leviticus or Job. Every day, I gain new insight into God's word, a more complete vision of God's story and a clearer revelation of Jesus! I highly, highly recommend this app/podcast to EVERYONE, and especially to all my fellow mommas out there.

Feb. 20, 2017 by Yoshismomma on Apple Podcasts

Daily Radio Bible with Hunter & Heather